$67 USD

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Language of Transformation through Ayurveda

Language of Transformation through Ayurveda

Through the wisdom of Ayurveda, learn the subtle signs and love language of nature's process of change. Integrating this level of growth and harmony into your life will support a similar transformation in your own heart and mind. Because it's not until you learn what not to say that you can begin to have the much needed conversation of connection with yourself, your students, and others.

This course is open to both yoga teachers and interested students of yoga. 

  • 3 Hours Yoga Alliance CE
  • Lifetime Access to the Recordings
  • Includes live zoom calls - if you are unable to make the live call time we will provide you with the recording

Live Zoom Calls

Tuesday February 9 and Thursday February 11 

2:00pm-3:30pm California  |  5:00pm-6:30pm New York 

(Recordings available for those who cant make the call time.)

Cost: $67 USD

3 hours of Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credits Available

About Serena Arora

C-IAYT Yoga Therapist, Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, E-RYT 500

Her yogi uncle in India once told her, “We don’t STUDY yoga, we ARE yoga.” And so began her life-long journey embodying the wisdom of yoga.

As a certified Yoga Therapist, Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, former academic school teacher, group home director, and yogapreneur for over 20 years, Serena brings a unique depth of knowledge, rich experience, intuitive leadership, and insightful passion to her offerings. Her perspective on healing is informed by the wisdom of Ayurvedic Medicine, the functionality of yoga therapy, and the neuroscience of somatic & subtle body work. Both she and her offerings are dynamic, creative, and well-informed.

Her integrated approach is shaped by studying with many teachers and mentors around the world including Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr. Scott Blossom, Dr. Rajesh Kotecha, Dr. Terry Willard, Tias & Surya Little, Joseph & Lilian Lepage, Sri Geeta Iyengar, and especially her first ‘guru’, her dad.

Currently she lives in Costa Rica where she serves as creative director and resident Ayurvedic Practitioner for Peace Retreat and co-founder & lead trainer for Swastha Yoga International; teaching, inspiring, affecting change, and transforming lives through BEING yoga. Learn more about Serena here.